Saturday 14 April 2012

Here goes...another food blog!

Starting a blog has been on my mind for years, but I just couldn't think what I could add to the already crowded blogosphere.  I am inspired and entertained by so many uber-talented bloggers, that although I have been jumping out of my skin to join the conversation, I have been also very, VERY intimidated.

So I have decided to stop over-intellectualising and just get to it and learn on the blog, so to speak.

So what is whattofeed all about?

My idea is that this blog will serve as an archive of all of the recipes I have used to feed myself, my family and friends. I am always planning, researching, shopping and cooking to serve this purpose so it makes sense to keep all of this intel in one handy place.

I have hundreds (possibly thousands) of recipes all over the place - maybe this blog could help me finally have one master file. Even better, a master file I can share.

Maybe it will help solve the eternal question of whattofeed?